Tuesday, 26 March 2019

O k a y

Look around you and look inside you.
How many people do you think are settling?
I will tell you:
a hell lot of people belonging  to all relationships 
and okay jobs and an okay life. 
And do you know why?
Because okay is comfortable.
Okay fulfills all what we need. 
Okay pays  the bill and gives a warm bed at night
and allows one to go out with co workers on a
Friday night to enjoy the happy hour.
Okay guarantees your safety and secure.

But do you know what okay is not?
Okay is mediocre,
And after a point,
Okay becomes monotonous,
Okay is not thrilling,
Okay is not passion,
Okay is not investing in the soul,
Okay is not the reason you
Go to bed late and wake up early.
Okay is not the reason you risk absolutely 
everything you have got just for the smallest 
chance that something absolutely
amazing  could happen .
It’s out there, waiting for you to grab it.
All of you have to do is step outside your okay.
Dive out from comfort and dive in the discomfort.
And that’s when this absolutely amazing things will happen to you.


D a n c e

A word eloquent to a few
A piece of music made visible
The world’s favorite metaphor
A hidden language of soul
An art that sets you free
To touch, to move, to inspire
Dancers are athletes of god.
A feeling evinced by nothing else,
If any, it is not a dance. 


D a n c e

How great it is to dance for hours,
Residing yourself in something you never have to
lose and be all day loquacious about
And not stop ever.
To put in enigma, it at times becomes someone’s
bore or rather an ornery.   
And rarely for a few, a talisman.
The common do  only on shindigs.
The voracious do daily and may turn to their mundane
but ones that have passion coveted and some stringent,
do it with beats in their beat of heart.
Rhyming the steps with the movements of life
at times it hurts, kneels down to the pain,
but also,
leads to the highest of victories and big wins, too.
Although blighted and having plummets in several,
with aplomb and enthusiasm they stage their feet.
They fly with it.
They run with it.
They don’t get whacked nor do they give up.
They muster their efforts with all their might and mind.
They are unstoppable,
crepuscular with beats pumping,
amidst all the knotty quagmires.
For passion instilled in them
the master of emotion and art.
This is the leverage, of DANCE.\


Monday, 25 March 2019

A n e v e n i n g t h o u g h t

Stationed at the signal, on the big crossroads, 
amidst the honking horns, 
rickshaw wala’s trying to find their way out of the maze of traffic, it occurred to me the real crossroads we are at; amidst the choices to be a hard bound getter or a bare faced genius. Many in the traffic are returning to their shells. Going home from the work. Their day has been almost over.
How many of us while we sleep look in the day and analyse every detail we passed through the day and the experiences we caught? Every day we wake up and be boxed in monotonous. Why? Why are we so ready to accept the things as it comes to us and name it under fate. Rather, try some day making your day in your own way and moulding things the way you feel like.

Try relying on yourself before you do on luck. Put in your work. Luck will work on its own.
Why cannot we expand?  When I ask you what you want to do, you respond saying, “I want to do this but when I will have more money” , “ I want to do that but when I am settled. “
Stop. If you would not settle and wander all your life, would you still not do that thing and keep it lingering at the back of your mind ?
Stop waiting around and letting anything else take the front seat.
Stop making excuses. Because that will not fetch you any good.
What if I told you, all you have is now. And all you need to do is to just make a start. Push yourself. Life is really more than one big to do list.
Life is too short to live in a mediocre way.
Wake up with a purpose, look forward in the day to something not in the person but to something that you owe to yourself. Make the best of each day. Because honey, time is ticking. Live to your optimum. And value little things, little moments because they are not little.
Put your best foot forward and live how you dream to be.
Don’t let the years  just pass you buy because we don’t get another chance.
This is one and it is yours.
Make your mark.


Wednesday, 20 March 2019

D o o t h e r p e o p l e ' s h u r t m a k e y o u b l e e d ?


Tell me how was your day. What went wrong and why did it go wrong. What made you smile in the day that you remember while you shut your eyes down in the night. How many of us acknowledge the good and bad that happened during the day?  Tell me how you feel about every person you have ever been in love with . What made you seem that it was love then, only to term it as infatuation now. Tell me why you loved them, how you loved them and why they loved you.
Describe  a day in your life when you thought everything will be hard but you lived through the day, eventually. Tell me what you categorize your home as, what it means to you.  Tell me what you dreamt you were 9 and why did you think that. Tell me when was the first time you did something that frightened  you. What made you do it then ?

See, I want to know the first time you carried the weight of burden only to ace it, later.

If you were to use roses as your bookmark, would you pluck two roses from garden because you admire them or would you leave the book in grace of something else in absence of roses for the sake of being harmless to the plants ? And if you would, would you notice how the tree felt good for you understanding the necessity for its growth. Do you time to time appreciate and tell your friends what they mean to you. Do you stay with you friend, when they are sad even if it makes your lover mad for you had fixed the same time to meet him, out of the busy schedules?  Where, may be he had a surprise for you!

What do you think of your first name? And if you often stay awake late in the night,  imagine how your mother’s eyes glowed with spark and was full of joy when she spoke it for the very first time. I want you to tell me all the ways you have been unkind to her and when you do, would you go to her and apologize, keeping your ego aside? Tell me all the ways you have been cruel to the people. To even those who did good to you.

All I want to know is more than what you do for a living.
I want to know how much do you spend your life, giving.And if you love yourself enough to receive it by yourself and others, sometimes.
I want to know if you do, really, bleed sometimes for other people’s hurt.


D o o t h e r p e o p l e ' s h u r t m a k e y o u b l e e d ?

\ Tell me how was your day. What went wrong and why did it go wrong. What made you smile in the day that you remember while you...